• Sneak Peek

    The other day one of 45’s Black Wypipo, Ben Carson, took to the stage during a Dept of Housing and Urban Development meeting to let us know that slaves were simply immigrants who entered these fair shores in the bottom of slave ships. Operative word being slave, possibly bottom. Someone should mention to Ben that immigrant and slave aren’t synonyms. Referring to the middle passage as some creepy Royal Caribbean-esque cruise to the “new world” is not only disrespectful it’s frankly…stupid. Some of you would like to talk to me about intention as if words strung together in sentences do not have meaning. As if a brain surgeon, read that an actual effing brain surgeon, is incapable of pulling together his thoughts coherently to form an easily understood message. Sorry I gives no breaks to Negros that pretend to read good. Ben Carson is the cousin in the family that believes his money and education have somehow transported him beyond being Black.

Thursday Ranting: Someone Free Ben Carson from the Sunken Place

The other day one of 45’s Black Wypipo, Ben Carson, took to the stage during a Dept of Housing and Urban Development meeting to let us know that slaves were simply immigrants who entered these fair shores in the bottom of slave ships.  Operative word being slave, possibly bottom.  Someone should mention to Ben that … Continue reading

Monday Ranting: I Love You More – Giving Up All The Hoes for You!

One thing My Present says to me a lot is I love you more. If I’m being honest I’m sometimes simultaneously jealous and uncomfortable that he believes and is vulnerable enough to say this to me. Verbal emoticon expression isn’t one of my strengths…blame my childhood. I am working on it. The other night on our way home from our friend’s baby dedication (because 30+) we went down this lovey-dovey road. It’s a path often traveled and it makes me feel good on the inside. Don’t tell My Present because I’m hard! The point, I told him there was no way for him to truly know that he loves me more. And he said of course he did because he gave up all those other hoes for me. Love emojis eviscerated.

Also I am not a hoe but we can discuss his misuse of nouns a little later.

My internal conversation said what hoes Paco Kinte (PK)? (I started calling My Present this after finding out he’s 1/48th Mexican. He is also somewhat of a light skint militant ala Huey Newton) Clearly PK’s perception of his pimp hand far outreaches his actual game.

Book of Questions Wednesdays: It’s Only Illegal if You Get Caught…

Wednesday’s Question from the Book of Questions *Revised and Updated by Gregory Stock, PH. D., is question #007 – A.  If you were on a jury, would you be willing to convict a person for something you didn’t think should be considered a crime? Let me start by saying that I served as a juror … Continue reading

Monday Ranting: Who Wants to be Popular Anyway

Over the past few days I’ve come across folk on the innerwebs casting their votes for non-political unpopular opinions. Because I like lists and sometimes following a trend I said Faith, do it! Since I listen to myself all if not most of the time, here’s my list of non-political unpopular opinions cause why not and shyt:

Beards do not make everyone look good. Sometimes ugly cannot be cured but the world still goes round. Look what I’m saying is that even if Flavor Flav had the luxurious chin hair of the Philly Beard Gawds he would still look like a roach perched on a clock. I have nothing against Flavor Flav but ugly is as ugly does. He’s probably a great person.